RTV Neruda Jan. 2008 |
DEAN REED - UN AMERICANO REBELDELa historia de Dean Reed es una triste tragedia pero también un viaje fantástico, una aventura extraordinaria en un tiempo y en un lugar que aunque próximos en la geografía y en la historia, son hoy tan remotos para las nuevas generaciones que es como si nunca hubieran existido. Su paso por Hollywood fue efímero pero lo suficientemente significativo para que aprendiese a actuar frente a las cámaras, lo calificara como una "casa de putas" y conociera al hombre que más profundamente le influenciaría en su vida. Nunca fue una "estrella" de Hollywood entre otras cosas porque se negó a serlo, pero nunca fue otra cosa que una "estrella" de Hollywood para sus legiones de admiradores en Sudamérica, Europa y, sobre todo, la Unión Soviética donde fue más popular que Elvis Presley y tanto como Los Beatles. Pero no sólo una "estrella" de Hollywood, sino algo más, mucho más, de hecho por cuanto este hombre hermoso de dorada cabellera, perfectos dientes blancos, sonrisa generosa y ojos azulísimos era alguien muy especial, alguien a quien le interesaba la paz social, la justicia y el amor (eran los primeros años 60), más que ninguna otra cosa ... quizás exceptuando el éxito, la fama, los aplausos que, dijo muchas veces, "son como una droga, los necesito". Se enfrentó a las dictaduras, al gobierno de su propio país y fue encarcelado en cinco de esos países incluido el propio. Llenó estadios con capacidad para decenas de miles de personas en 32 países, cantó para Noriega, Arafat y los mapuches en Chile. Cantó en Cuba y en Tashkent. Y escribió, dirigió y protagonizó varias películas, desde "spaghetti-westerns" a dramas antiimperialistas rodados en Rumania. El incrementó la escucha del "rock and roll" en la URSS. Para millones era un socialista muy comprometido y profundamente patriota para otros un mediocre que se aprovechaba de las circunstancias políticas para obtener un triunfo que en ninguna otra parte hubiera conseguido nunca. Para la mayoría, era un ídolo guapo y bueno que no dudaba en defender su opinión aún a costa de poner en peligro no sólo su carrera sino su vida. Su experiencia vital fue, por encima de todo, una fascinante vida de compromiso con los pueblos y sus derechos. La belleza física de Dean Reed y su afable sonrisa sin duda eran la tarjeta de presentación idónea en el Hollywood de los últimos años 50 y Dean no tardó en encontrar un agente y en ser contratado por la Warner Brothers para su Escuela de Estrellas. En esta escuela, las futuras estrellas de las pantallas se formaban baja la dirección del Paton Price mientras ganaban experiencia haciendo papelitos de extra o extra "con frase" en películas y series de televisión. También servían como elementos decorativos cuando personajes importantes visitaban el estudio o debían acompañar a otras futuras estrellas en estrenos y celebraciones sociales. Además de enseñarles a actuar, hacer esgrima y lucir su palmito, el estudio les pagaba lo suficiente para vivir decentemente hasta que les llegara su gran oportunidad. A Dean le llegaría muy pronto pero él la rechazaría debido a sus convicciones políticas alimentadas por Paton Price que tenía una bien ganada fama de pacifista bastante radical. Price era un hombre de gran intensidad que ejercía una enorme influencia sobre sus alumnos, tanto en la escuela como fuera de ella y el idealista Dean Reed era más que sensible a esa influencia que se complementaba con sus sentimientos naturales de justicia e igualdad. Y anti violencia. Su posición al respecto le llevó a rechazar la posibilidad de protagonizar una serie de televisión del género del Oeste de las que tanto proliferaban en la televisión de la época, porque se negaba a llevar un arma encima en la pantalla. Dean Reed, pese a que su posición era más que precaria en esos comienzos, no estaba dispuesto a hacer concesiones con respecto a su ideología. En las clases de la Warner Dean estudió al lado de los Everly Brothers, Jean Seberg y Don Murray, entre otro famosos y en las oficinas de su agente conoció a una bella secretaria llamada Patty con la que pronto establecería un romance que acabaría en boda poco después. Pese a ello, Dean no estaba contento en Hollywood y por ello cuando le dijeron que una de las canciones de su primer disco, "My Summer Romance" era número uno en Chile, no se lo pensó dos veces y sin decir nada a nadie se fue a Santiago. Tampoco estaba Dean preparado para las muestras de animosidad contra su condición de ciudadano norteamericano que presenciaba en todo momento. o las pintadas con "Yankee go home" en las paredes. Dean descubre la política. Decide ser el americano bueno que pide a su audiencia que escriba al presidente Kennedy para que prohíba las armas nucleares. La izquierda intelectual chilena junto a personalidades como Victor Jara y Pablo Neruda le abren los brazos de par en par. Dean llena estadios y enardece a las multitudes con sus versiones de temas de Joan Baez y levantando el puño gritando "¡Venceremos!". Esta nueva realidad, donde no sólo es una estrella para las multitudes sino en la que puede expresar su más exaltado idealismo político-social, es un mundo mucho más atractivo para Dean que el Hollywood "una casa de putas" que ha dejado atrás. Nunca volverá. Pero sus actividades políticas empiezan a crearle serios problemas con la violenta ultraderecha argentina que le amenaza constantemente. Su vida puede estar corriendo peligro pero eso es algo que a Dean nunca le había preocupado lo suficiente como para impedir la defensa de sus ideales en cualquier lugar del planeta. Con la llegada del régimen militar, Dean es deportado y se traslada a Madrid, donde vive por algún tiempo. Desde allí Dean viaja a Helsinki y participa, como miembro de la delegación argentina, en el Congreso Mundial de la Paz en 1965. Pablo Neruda estaba entre los ponentes y Dean Reed asistía simplemente como observador pero la ausencia de Bertrand Russell, que mandó un representante en su lugar, cuya ponencia fue contestada con abucheos por parte de varias delegaciones, provocó un alboroto inesperado. Dean subió al escenario con su guitarra y se puso a cantar. Aquella audiencia era muy distinta de los estadios de Sudamérica. Dean estaba decidido a hacer de aquella reunión una celebración, no un enfrentamiento y tras una primera balada, cantó "We Shall Overcome" pidiendo a todos los delegados que cantasen a coro con él y que unieran sus manos. Se bajó del escenario para físicamente unir las manos de los delegados mientras instaba a todos los demás a hacer lo mismo. Finalmente, todo el auditorio, con las manos cogidas, coreó la canció n. Y otras que siguieron. Dean Reed estaba eufórico. No sabía entonces que aquello iba a cambiar su vida para siempre. Uno de los delegados en la Conferencia, era el presidente del "Komsomol" Organización Juvenil Soviética vio en este americano "comprometido" toda una promesa. Para Pastoukhov este Dean Reed además de ser americano y simpatizante con las ideas socialistas, pensaba en los derechos de los pueblos y la paz. Dean Reed ni siquiera lo pensó cuando Pastoukhov le ofreció que fuera a Moscú. Sus triunfos en la URSS le convertirían en una verdadera leyenda viviente. En ese ambiente, el ángel rubio de hermosa sonrisa, pantalones ajustados y soñadores ojos azules que además de ser americano de verdad cantaba "rock and roll" y era antiimperialista. El triunfo alcanzó niveles que Dean Reed nunca hubiera podido imaginar. Estadios con más de 60.000 admiradoras y admiradores gritando a pleno pulmón, eran la norma, no la excepción. Sus discos se vendían inmediatamente. Dean Reed era el "Elvis Presley rojo". Antes de instalarse definitivamente en Alemania Democrática, Dean vivió en España, donde quiso sacar provecho de su conocimiento del idioma para abrirse camino en el cine y en la música, pero la España de la última época de Franco no era el lugar más propicio para acoger a un socialista radical de ideas revolucionarias como Dean Reed. Dean vivía la vida de constante aventura y permanente adoración pública que siempre había soñado, cantando en estadios a rebosar en cualquier país y haciendo de sus actuaciones manifestaciones políticas. Siempre aparecía rodeado de fuerzas de seguridad que unas veces le protegían de las admiradoras más atrevidas y otras le detenían para encarcelarlo, como ocurrió en Argentina cuando pretendió volver, entrando en el país a través de la frontera con Uruguay. O en los Estados Unidos, donde fue arrestado en 1978 durante una de sus visitas y donde, pese a sus triunfos en la América del Sur y sus enormes éxitos en Europa, era un absoluto desconocido para el gran público norteamericano allí no lo difundían. En Búfalo, estado e Minnesota, Dean tomó parte en una manifestación en contra de la construcción de una planta nuclear. Arrestado, con muchos otros manifestantes, fue encarcelado y el hecho fue noticia de primera plana tanto en Alemania Democrática como en la URSS y varios otros países. Joan Baez escribió una carta al presidente Carter defendiendo a Dean y lo mismo hicieron Pete Seeger y el compositor Shostakovitch, entre otros muchos. Finalmente el juez le ofreció a Dean la elección de pagar una multa de 500 dólares o permanecer en la cárcel 3 días. Dean hizo un discurso pacifista y volvió a la cárcel. Dean no sentía miedo con frecuencia o si lo sentía lo aguantaba bien, porque no dejaba de meterse en situaciones peligrosas, ya fuera en los frentes de combate en Palestina o Turquía o ingresar clandestinamente al Chile de Pinochet (para apoyar la lucha del pueblo chileno para recuperar la democracia cuestion que aun en el 2008 no lo logra) o ingresar a su propio país Estados Unidos donde sus más allegados le prevenían de que sus ideas marxistas iban a provocar que los terroristas norteamericanos le volaran la cabeza en cualquier momento. Ni demagógico. Ni ingenuo Notablemente genuino. Sin duda alguna. Dean vivió su vida fantástica de acuerdo con ese credo que le llevó a las cárceles de cinco países pero también a distintos niveles de gloria política y popular en otros treinta y dos, incluyendo Chile, Palestina, Nicaragua y Turquía donde compartió escenarios y peligros con los soldados de las distintas rebeliones y con sus líderes, desde los fedayines a la PLO, desde Daniel Ortega a Salvador Allende y Yasser Arafat. "No se les puede pedir a los soldados que arriesguen sus vidas por los ideales de la revolución si uno mismo no está dispuesto a arriesgar la suya", decía con total convicción mientras viajaba de un frente a otro con su guitarra al hombro, el puño en alto y su sonrisa abierta. Y el "cantante del amor" como le hubiera gustado que le llamaran también tuvo un intensa vida romántica, como era inevitable. Su matrimonio con Patty llegó al final cuando en el festival de cine de Leipzig, en 1971, Dean conoce a la modelo Wiebke. Aunque ella estaba casada, la pareja entabla una tórrida relación amorosa que acaba en boda poco después de que Dean viaje a Santo Domingo, siguiendo los consejos de su amiga Jane Fonda que le dice que Santo Domingo es el lugar mas rápido del mundo para obtener un divorcio. Poco después la pareja se construye una casa al lado de un lago en Schmockwitz, un pequeño pueblo, Dean viaja con gran frecuencia a Sudamérica, Cuba y los Estados Unidos, además del resto de Europa. Con Patty tuvo una hija, Ramona y con Wiebke otra, Natasha, pero este segundo matrimonio duraría muy poco ya que durante el rodaje de "Kit & Co" Reed conoce a la bella actriz Renate Blume y Wiebke pasa a ser una buena amiga. Renate, finalmente, fue su tercera esposa y aportó al matrimonio un hijo de una relación anterior Alexander, que Dean adoptó legalmente. Su primera película como autor, director y protagonista, "Canta, vaquero, canta" tiene un gran éxito popular y sigue al éxito político de "El Cantor" que hizo cuatro años antes para la televisión en homenaje a su amigo Victor Jara asesinado por la junta militar en Chile. Dean quiere hacer algo de mas aporte internacional, una película superior a las actividades fílmicas anteriores. En 1984 rueda un co-producción germano-japonesa que no se estrena en ninguna parte salvo Japón y Alemania. Al año siguiente, un documentalista norteamericano, Will Roberts, que le ha acompañado durante los pasados cinco años, en sus visitas a Chile y Cuba, entre otros países, así como a la Unión Soviética, rodando material para un documental sobre su vida, presenta "Dean Reed: American Rebel", en el Festival de Denver. Reed vuelve a su pueblo natal por primera vez en más de 20 años y sus amigos hacen que la visita sea todo un acontecimiento local con prensa, radio y televisión presentes. Dean Reed piensa que quizás es el momento de volver para intentar ser profeta en su tierra, donde empieza a entrever una posibilidad. Sus postulados políticos han sido ignorados por algunos aunque no por otros. Entre ellos un conocido locutor radiofónico local, que se enfrenta a él a micrófono abierto y le echa literalmente de los estudios de la radio acusándole de traidor a su patria. Pese al incidente, Dean Reed está decidido a volver a su país de forma permanente y a intentar triunfar allí mientras deja amigos en Denver estableciendo los primeros contactos para una gira por universidades americanas y la grabación de un disco que quiere titular al igual que el documental de Roberts, "American Rebel". También quiere publicar su autobiografía y hasta, quizás, presentar su candidatura política. "Funcionó con Reagan", dice entonces, "¿porqué no puede funcionar conmigo?" Antes, Dean tiene un gran proyecto ya aprobado. Se trata de la masacre de Wounded Knee en 1978, en Dakota del Sur, durante el enfrentamiento armado entre indios y efectivos del FBI. Dean iba a rodar en Rumania, donde lo había hecho anteriormente, con gran despliegue de medios, miles de extras y con todo lujo de detalle histórico. Tenia 47 años y las cosas empezaban para él, una nueva vida tras más de 20 años lejos de su país y de sus queridas Montañas Rocosas. La noche del día anterior al comienzo del rodaje del film, Dean Reed despareció misteriosamente mientras se disponía a pasarla en la casa del productor de la película que vivía al lado del estudio. Cinco días después, el 17 de Junio de 1986, su cuerpo desfigurado tras cinco días en el agua, apareció en el lago al lado de su casa. Era un lago poco profundo y Reed era un consumado nadador. Las circunstancias de la muerte eran sospechosas y la policía alemana investigó el caso minuciosamente, no se descubrieron indicios de violencia ni ninguna nota póstuma que indicase intención de quitarse la vida, por lo tanto debía de tratarse de un accidente o un asesinato político. Tras su fallecimiento, todo tipo de rumores e hipótesis (incluyendo la inevitable en estos casos, que aún permanece vivo y no era suyo el cadáver rescatado del lago) han circulado en torno a la trágica desaparición de Dean Reed. Sus amigos y familiares en Estados Unidos, desde Will Rogers a su hija Ramona y su mejor amigo Johnny Rosenburg, se negaron a aceptar el accidente o el suicidio y ofrecieron hipótesis variadas sobre el trágico desenlace. Lo cierto es que murió ahogado en un lago poco profundo siendo un excelente atleta y consumado nadador. En cuanto a la hipótesis del suicidio, nadie de quienes le conocieron admite que fuera posible, con o sin nota. Dean estaba a punto de volver a su país a tratar de establecer una carrera en los Estados Unidos en cuanto terminase la que iba a ser su más importante película y con la que esperaba su consagración a nivel internacional como actor y director. La CIA o el FBI son candidatos más claros para tener algún tipo de intervención en su muerte, el sistema norteamericano debía defenderse y la solución fue asesinarlo como se hizo con, John Kennedy, Martín Luther King, John Lennon. Dean nunca renunció a su pasaporte americano, ni a su nacionalidad. Gritó a cuantos quisieron oírle que no era un traidor, sino un patriota y que no era la gente en América, sino el sistema, el que estaba "enfermo". Para los extremistas fue un traidor. Para muchos millones de muchos países, un rebelde y valiente defensor de los ideales más altruistas y los principios más admirables de paz y justicia social. Fue, sin duda, un personaje extraordinario y su vida una experiencia tan fascinante como, al final, trágica. Los enemigos de la humanidad te cobraron con tu vida los esfuerzos que realizastes para despertar a los seres humanos se equivocaron si pensaron que te olvidaríamos por que DEAN REED pertenece a la estirpe de los que no mueren jamás como el Comandante CHE GUEVARA. Te entregamos nuestro cariño de pueblos de la misma forma en que te aman en Viet-Nam. Eres un héroe popular y los pueblos no olvidan a sus héroes DEAN REED eres un ESPARTACO contemporáneo te agradecemos tu enorme capacidad de entrega a las causas justas y tu capacidad sin limites de amar la verdad Ahora podemos decir junto a ti TENEMOS NUESTRO ALBA |
DEAN REED - AN AMERICAN REBELThe story of Dean Reed is a sad tragedy, but at the same time a fantastic journey. An extraordinary adventure in a time and place next in geography and history, but distant today for the new generations as something that never existed before. His brief spell through Hollywood was ephemeral but meaningful enough, to learn how to act in front of the cameras. He called it "Whore house". He met the man who was going to deeply influence influence his life. He never was a Hollywood star, because he never wanted to. But for his legions of fans is South America, Europe and above all in the Soviet Union, where he became more popular than Elvis Presley and as popular as the Beattles, always was nothing else than a Hollywood Star for them. Not just a Hollywood "Star" but much more than that. In fact, this beautiful man with a golden hair, perfect white teeth, generous smile and deep blue eyes, was somebody very special, somebody interested in peace, justice and love more than anything else... (It was the 60's) with the exception of success, fame and applauses that how he said several times "they as a drug, I need them". He confronted dictatorships; his own country government and was jailed in five different countries, including his. He filled stadiums with capacity for thousands of people in 32 countries, he sang for Noriega, Arafat and the Chilean Indians. He sang in Cuba and Tashkent. He wrote, directed and protagonized several movies, from "spaghetti westerns" to anti-imperialist dramas, shot in Rumania. He incremented the interest for the "rock and roll" in Russia. For millions he was a committed socialist and for others, a mediocre who was taking advantage of the political circumstances in order get the triumph that he could have never gotten anywhere else. For the majority, he was a good and handsome idol who didn't doubt in defending his opinions at the expense of jeopardize not only his career, but his life. His vital experience was above all, a fascinating life with a commintment with the people and their rights. The physical beauty of Dean Reed and his affable smile were without a doubt his pass in the latest 50's in Hollywood. It didn't take too long to find an agent and get hired by the Warner Brothers School for the Stars. In this school the future stars were under the direction of Paton Price while they got some experience playing small roles, or roles "saying a sentence" in movies and television series. They were also decorative elements when celebrities visited the studio, or they had to provide company to the future stars to premieres and social celebrations. Besides to teach them to act, fencing and show off their looks the studio pay them enough to live decently until they got their big opportunity. Dean would have his very soon, but he would reject it due to his political convictions whose were backed up by Paton Price who was a famous pacifist, and in spite of his ideas, he never had any problem in his job. Price was an strong man whom had a big influence on his students, inside the school and out. Dean Reed was the most sensitive to this influence, because it was like a complement to his natural feelings for justice, peace and equal rights. Because his position, he rejected the possibility of making a Western television serie, very fashionable at that time. In spite of his position was precarious in the beginning, Dean Reed was not ready to make any kind of concessions about his ideas. Being an student at Warner's he had classmates as The Everly Brothers, Jean Seberg and Don Murray among others. In his agent office he met a beautiful secretary named Patty, with whom he would start a romance ending in a wedding later. In spite of this, he wasn't happy in Hollywood and for the same reason, when he was told that one of the songs from his first record "Our Summer Romance" was number one in Chile, he didn't think it twice and without saying a word, he went down to Santiago. He was not ready either for the animosity showed towards him wherever he went, only for the simple reason of being an USA Citizen. The words "Yankee go home" were painted on the walls. Dean discovers the politics and again, is a like a drug that without having it, he couldn't live. He decides to be the good American and he asks his audience to write to President Kennedy to forbid the use of nuclear arms. People such Victor Jara and Pablo Neruda, intellectuals from the left wing, opened their arms to him because he filled up stadiums and inflammed the crowds with his versions of Joan Baez themes and giving a clenched fist salute, shouting "Venceremos"! This new reality in which he is not just the star for the crowds but he can express his most heated social-political idealism, is a world much more attractive for Dean than Hollywood "The whorehouse" was left behind. He will never go back. His political activities created him serious problems with the right wing extremists, who were constantly threating him. His life was in danger, but that was something that never concerned him enough to stop the defense of his ideals, anywhere in the world. When the militar government took over, Dean was deported from Argentina and moved to Madrid, where he lived for a while. From there, he travels to Helsinki and participes as a member of the Argentinian delegation in the Worlwide Congress for the Peace in 1965. Pablo Neruda was among the speakers and Dean Reed was only an observer. The absence of Bertrand Russell who sent a representative in his place, and whose lecture was answered with boos by several delegations caused unexpected disturbances. Dean taking advantage of this situation, climbed onto the stage holding his guitar, and started singing. This audience was very different to the ones in the South American stadiums where hysterical girls threw at him all kind of presents. These people didn't understand what was this guy doing in the middle of the general row singing. So, they examined him with curiosity and humor. But Dean had decided to make from that reunion a celebration not a confrontation, and after he sang his first ballad, he sang "We Shall Overcome", asking to the representatives to sing along with him, holding hands. He got down the stage to phisically join the representative's hands, while he was urging the rest to do the same. Finally, the audience holding hands, sang the song, and the following ones. Dean Reed was euphoric: that meant to him much more than his success in South America. He didn't know then that this fact was going to change his life forever. One of the delegates in the Conference, Nikolai Pastoukhov, who was the president of "Komsomol" or the Sovietic Youth Organization, saw in this "good" American a promise. For Pastoukhov Dean Reed besides of being an American and simphatized with the socialist ideas he was a pacifist. Dean Reed didn't even doubt to go to Moscow when Pastoukhov offered him to go with him. His success in Russia turned him in a true living legend. In this environment, the blonde angel with beautiful smile, tight pants and bedroom eyes was truly American and sang "Rock and roll" and was anti-imperalist. His success was so big, that even for him was hard to believe. It became common to see stadiums filled with 60.000 screaming fans. This situation was normal, not an exception. His records were immediately sold. Dean Reed was the "Red Elvis Presley". Before settle down in East Berlin, Dean lived in Spain where he wanted to take advantage of his Spanish to clear the way in the cinema and in the music. Spain was living the latest of Franco's time and was not the best place to welcome a socialist with revolutionary ideas, as Reed was. Dean had a life full of adventures and the unconditional adoration from his public, something that he had always dreamed of. Singing in crowed stadiums in any country making of his performances political displays, he was always surrounded by security guards sometimes protecting him from his fans, and another times taking him in custody to send him to jail. As it happened in Argentina, when he tried to come back, entering the country crossing the frontier with Urugay. Or in United States where he was arrested in 1978 in one of his visits. In spite of his success in South America, and Europe, specially in the East, he was totally unknown for the American public. In Buffalo, state of Minnessota, Dean was part of a manifestation against the construction of a nuclear plant. Arrested along with many others, he was put in jail, and this episode was the cover of the magazines in East Germany, Russia and other countries. Joan Baez wrote a letter to president Carter defending Dean, and the same was done by Pete Seeger and the composer Shostakovitch among others. Finally, the Judge offered Dean to pay a veil of $ 500 or stay in jail for 3 days. Dean said a pacifist speech and returned to jail. Dean didn't get scared very often and if he was, he hid it very well. He never stopped getting himself in dangerous situations: Battlefronts in Palestine or Turkey or to come clandestinely to Chile in Pinochet's time (to back up the Chilean people in their fight for Democracy that in 2008 we haven't achieved yet). Or to get into his country where he was warned by the people close to him, that his extreme marxist ideas were going to make that the radicals from the opposition, wanted to decapitate him. Neither demagogic nor naïve. Evidently genuine, no doubt about it. Dean lived his fantasy life according to this creed, which took him to jail in five countries, but also to different levels of political glory. Popular in thirty two countries including Chile, Palestine, Nicaragua and Turkey, where he shared the stage and the danger with soldiers of different rebellions, and their leaders. From Daniel Ortega to Salvador Allende and Yasser Arafat. "We can't ask the soldiers to risk their lives for the revolution's ideals if we are not willing to risk ours" he said with conviction while he traveled from one front to the other carrying his guitar on his shoulder, giving a clenched fist salute, and an open smile. The love singer as he would like to be called, also had an intense romantic life. His marriage with Patty came to an end, when in the Leipzig film festival in 1971, Dean meets the model Wiebke. Although she was married, they established a torrid romance which ends in a wedding after Dean traveling to Santo Domingo, following the advice of his friend Jane Fonda, who told him that Santo Domingo was the quickest place in the world to get a divorce. Later, the couple built a house next to a lake in Schmockwitz, a small town very close to the Berlin Wall. Dean crossed frecuently the Wall, to travel to South America, Cuba, United States and the rest of Europe. From Patty he had a daughter, Ramona, and from Wiebke another one, Natasha. This second marriage would last a short period of time, because when he was shooting the movie "Kit & Co". Reed met the beautiful actress Renate Blume, and Wiebke became just a good friend. Finally, Renate was his third wife and contribute to the marriage with Alexander, her son from a previous relationship, whom Dean legally adopted. His first movie as an author, director and protagonist, "Sing, Cowboy, sing" was a big success, following the successful political film "El Cantor" made four years before for Television as a tribute to his friend Victor Jara killed by the military junta in Chile. In 1984, makes a co-production German-Japanese which is released only in Germany and Japan. The following year, a North American documentarist, Will Roberts, who has been traveling with him over the last five years, visting Chile, Cuba and the Soviet Union among other countries ,was putting together some material for a documentary about his life: "Dean Reed: American Rebel". He released the film in the Denver's Festival. Reed returns to his home town for the 1st time in twenty years, and his friends made from his visit an event for the local press, radio and TV. Dean Reed thinks that maybe is the time to comeback to be a prophet in his own land, where he started seeing a possibility. His political ideas have seen ignored only by some people, not by everyone. Among them, a well known local presenter, confronted him in an open microphone and after accusing him of being a traitor to his country, threw him out of the radio. In spite of the incident, Dean Reed is determined to come back to his country to make a living and try to be successful. He went back to Hollywood to see if he could find another manager. In the meantime, his friends in Denver are making the first contacts to go in a tour around the American Universities and the recording of a record that he would like to name "American Rebel" the same that the documentary by Roberts. Also he wanted to publish his autobiography and maybe to postulate to be a poliltical candidate. "It worked with Reagan" he said, so,"why is no going to work for me"? At that time Dean had a big project, already approved by the leaders of the Soviet Union and the East Germany. It was about his vision of the Wounded Knee's Masacre in 1978 in South Dakota during an armed confrontation between indians and the FBI. Dean was going to shoot in Rumania, where he has been done it before, with big advertisement, thousands of extras and with all the luxurious historic details. It was going to be his introduction card at international level as a movie maker. He was 47 years old and things were starting for him again. A new life after being away for more than 20 years from his country and his loved Rocky Mountains. The night before to start shooting the film, Dean Reed misteriously dissapeared. He planned to go to the movie producer's home whom lived next to the studio. Five days later, on June 17, 1986 his desfigured body was found in the lake near to his home, after being in the water for five days. It was a shallow lake and Reed was a great swimmer. The circumstances of his death were suspicious and the Police from East Germany investigated the case meticulously and they didn't find neither signs of violence, nor any posthumous note indicating the intention of taking his own life. After his decease, all kind of rumorous and hyphotesis (including the inevitable in these cases, that he was still alive and that was not his the corpse rescued from the lake) have been surrounding the dissappearance of Dean Reed. His family and friends in United States, from Will Roberts, his daughter Ramona and his best friend Johnny Rosenburg, refused to accept the accident or suicide, and they gave different hyphotesis about the tragic end. The truth is that he drawned in a shallow lake, being an excellent athlete and a perfect swimmer. About of the suicide hyphotesis no one who really knew him thinks that was possible, with a note or without it. Dean was ready to come back to his country to try to make a career in United States as soon he finished the movie that was going to be the most important one for him and which he expected his recognition worldwide as an actor and director. The CIA or the FBI are suspicious candidates of having something to do with his death. The North American system should defend itself and the solution was to kill him, how they did it with John Kennedy, Martin Luther King and John Lennon. Dean never gave up neither his American Passport, nor his nationality. He shouted to everybody who wanted to hear him that he was not a traitor, but a patriot an it was not the American people but the system that was "sick". For the extremists he was a traitor, for others just a fraud; mediocre as a musician, as well as an actor and director. For millions of people from different countries, he was a rebel, a brave advocate for the most altruistic ideals and the most admirable principles of peace and justice. He was beyond a doubt an extraordinary celebrity and his life was as extraordinary as it was the tragic end. The enemies of the human race wanted to erase with your life all the efforts that you made in order to weak the human beings up. But they were wrong if they thought that we were going to forget you. Dean Reed, as CHE GUEVARA belongs to the lineage of those that don't die. We offer you our people's love, as they love you in Viet-Nam. You are a popular heroe and people never forgets their heroes. DEAN REED you are a contemporary Spartan. We appreciate your enormous devotion to the justice and your capacity to love the thruth. Now we can say that next to you WE HAVE OUR DAWN. |