Concerts/Konzerte/Conciertos/концерты |
University of Minnesota07.11.1985 |
Dean Reed, born in America, is now a famous singer in the Soviet Union and Cuba, and he has been popular in Allende's Chile as well. He has used his art and his talents o behalf of revolutionary movements throughout the Third World since the 1960's, and he was arrested with farm activists and others in the 1978 poweline struggle in Buffalo, Minnesota. More than a singer, Dean is also an actor and film director whose works have been primarily shown in Eastern Europe. He will be here from his home in East Germany with the filmmaker, Will Roberts, for a special showing of the film. He will sing, and both he and Will will discuss the film. Not to be missed!
Thursday, November 7th at 7:00 pm
Online newspaper/Onlinezeitung
Press review/Pressespiegel
Zu einem Höhepunkt der USA-Reise Dean Reeds wurde die Aufführung des "American Rebel" in der Universität von Minnesota in Minneapolis. In der überfüllten Willey Hall applaudierten mehr als 400 begeisterte Zuschauer nicht nur dem Künstler, sondern vor allem dem Friedenskämpfer Reed. Der Reinertrag der Veranstaltung nämlich kam einer Organisation zugute, die gegen den Rüstungskonzern Honeywell zu Felde zieht, der Leitsysteme für Cruise missles und Pershing-II-Raketen herstellt und bereits im Aggressionskrieg der USA gegen Vietnam Millionen an den von ihm hergestellten barbarischen Kugelbomben verdient hat. |