Books and films about Dean/Bücher und Filme über Dean |
Dean Reed - The Red Elvis/Der Rote ElvisFestivals |
International Film Festival Turin23.11.-01.12.2007
24.11. 16:00 Greenwich Village, Sala 3
Rockstar, cowboy, socialist: during Cold War times US American singer and actor Dean Reed was the star of the Soviet Union, in the Eastern Bloc and South America. He acted in eighteen movies, recorded thirteen albums, utilizing his artistic talents for political ideals. Being a pacifist until the Pinochet Coup in Chile 1973, Reed joins Arafat shortly after. Reed never exhausted to engage himself until he is found dead in an East Berlin lake in 1986. "It is fascinating how much Reed's destiny still moves people today. But this feeling is not so much caused by the circumstances of his death, it is rather the phenomenon of the great impact that he had on people. Dean Reed possessed every trait a typical Hollywood hero needed: he was extraordinarily handsome, a singer, an actor and had a very charismatic personality. Still, he left his home country and publicly criticized its imperialistic policies. The film reflects a time of history, whose issues and questions are still astoundingly contemporary." |