Ocala Star-Banner, Florida, 13.11.1978 zurück/back

Soviets Covering U.S. Trial

BUFFALO, Minn. (AP) - It seems such a simple case - 19 persons standing trial on trespassing charges. But the Soviet Union's interest in a folk singer has made it an international affair.

The Soviets call folk singer Dean Reed a freedom fighter. And the Soviet news agency Tass is covering the trial - saying that Reed's only offense was his "activ struggle" for political prisoners in the United States.

To most Minnesotans, he's just one of 19 people being tried in Wright County Court here in an Oct. 29 protest against a 427-mile power line stretching from North Dakota to Minnesota.

The power line has promted many protests - from farmers who say their property rights are being violated, and from environmentalists. Construction on the line has been completed, although it won't begin carrying electricity until next spring.

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