The Current Digest Of The Soviet Press 1966
The Boy From Colorado(By Yu. Kamenev, Izvestia, Oct. 9, p. 6. Complete text:) This young American is known in many countries. Dean Reed has sung his songs in the U.S.A., in Latin America and in Europe. Millions have heard him on radio and television, and there are thousands of records and tapes of his singing. Now Dean Reed is visiting us. This morning a meeting took place in the Soviet Peace Committee between Dean Reed and representatives of the Soviet public, as well as of the press. "A marvelous singer of our times," Boris Polevoi said in introducing Dean Reed to those gathered in the room. "A man of the people who understands the hearts and souls of people, especially young people." He is really close to the people. Dean Reed narrated his life story. He is 28 years old. He is the son of a mathematics teacher; he has been a cowboy, he has studied at a university; thanks to a chance encounter, he became a professional singer. Leaving from Hollywood, he made a guest tour of Latin America. He lived for some time in the Bazilian jungles among the Indians and has written a book about them. This is one aspect of his activity. The other is closely connected with the first - his struggle for the cause of peace. He sings about this in his songs. He has had to pay for this. After the peace congress in Helsinki, fascist thugs in Buenos Aires tried to burn down the building in which Dean Reed was living, or diminish his popularity. When he left for the Soviet Union, he was seen off at the port by 22,000 people. Dean Reed is very glad that Soviet people have received his songs warmly. He says: "I am happy to be in your country." |