Dean's letters/Briefe von Dean/Cartas de Dean/Письма Дина


Dean Reed to/an Will Roberts

Nicaragua May 2, 1984

Hola Will -
Como estás?!

Dean Reed to Will Roberts 1984

Well, - - so now we
have filmed together
in five countries - - -
Two of them in
potentially dangerous
situations - - but wie
are still healthy
+ and going strong - except
for my Somozas revenge
+ your sun poisening!
Thanks for coming
down + risking
your life again so
that the people of
the world through
your unique film
will have a better
chance to understand
my life + ideals.
You are also a
unique human being
+ my life has been
enriched because I
can say: I have found
a friend -
Love -
¡No pasaran!

Dean and Will Roberts visited Nicaragua in 1984.

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Letzte Änderung: 2010-03-12