Books and films about Dean/Bücher und Filme über Dean

Se Oyen los Pasos

Se Oyen los Pasos

La historia de los primeros años del rock en Chile (1964 - 1973)

Gonzalo Planet

Santiago de Chile, 2004

I'm Gonzalo Planet, a Chilean musician and journalist. My book was finally realesed, it's called "Se Oyen los Pasos. La historia de los primeros años del rock en Chile" (that means "We can hear the steps. The history of early Chilean rock music"), from 1964 to 1973. It's a chronicle about Chilean beat and psych bands, their records, lives and stories during an era when Chile was having historical social changes.

On a chapter I told about Dean Reed's visit to Chile and his recordings with the local band Los Amigos de Maria, it's not the complete history about his visit, but the mention includes the picture of Dean and Allende, which is very impressive to many people who read the book.

"Se oyen los pasos" is in Spanish.

Gonzalo Planet, 9 Jan. 2007

Se Oyen los Pasos Se Oyen los Pasos Se Oyen los Pasos



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