Minneapolis Star Tribune, 16. April 2006



"Rock 'n' Roll Radical: The Life and Mysterious Death of Dean Reed"

"Rock 'n' Roll Radical: The Life and Mysterious Death of Dean Reed" (Beaver Pond): Chuck Laszewski, a reporter for the St. Paul Pioneer Press, tells this fascinating story of a small-time 1960s U.S. rocker with a rebellious Marxist bent who found stardom in South America and Europe and then turned up mysteriously dead in a lake in East Germany in 1986. With painstaking reporting, Laszewski raises questions of conspiracy and murder that drag longtime Minnesota activist Marv Davidov into the story along with the FBI, the Contras and Chile's Salvador Allende. The right screenwriter could transform this into a gripping movie. (J.B.)

Jon Bream

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Letzte Änderung: 2010-02-25