Rocky Mountain News 28.10.1985


Reed's visit marred by intolerance

Editor: I am a former Wheat Ridge High School classmate of Dean Reed's. Although I did not know him well and have not seen him since 1956, I remember him as a talented and friendly young man and a decent human being.

While I don't pretend to understand the life choices he has made (any more than my acquaintances understand some of mine), I do respect his right to make those choices and live as he sees fit.

I was personally embarrassed by the rudeness and intolerance displayed by radio talk-show host Peter Boyles in his vicious attack on Dean. It is this "Archie Bunker" mentality that has placed mankind at the very brink of extinction. Until we learn to recognize and appreciate each others' differences, whether they be religious, political or whatever, we have nothing to look forward to on this Earth but conflict born of ignorance and hatred. Tolerance and understanding are absolute prerequisites to peace.

Dean's politics are his own business; so is where he chooses to live, with whom, and how he makes his living. I have no difficulty in respecting him as a human being.


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Letzte Änderung: 2007-03-14