Around the world 06/1978


Dean Reed: songs are his weapon

Recently American singer Dean Reed, who lives in the G.D.R., paid a visit to the Soviet Union where he was awarded a medal in recognition of his efforts on behalf of peace in the world.

Dean Reed had just returned from Southern Lebanon, where he stayed in the combat region for 60 days. He witnessed the fighting and bombing by the Israeli troops, and he saw 12-year-old Arab boys who are already soldiers.

During a talk with Yasser Arafat, chairman of the executive committee of the Palestine Liberation Organisation, Dean Reed got the idea to produce a film about the defenders of the Tel al-Zaatar refugee camp, who had withstood the right-wing forces for 52 days. He has begun writing the scenario; it will take him several months to complete it.

During his stay in the Lebanon, Dean Reed wrote two songs praising the faith of the Palestine people in their homeland, and describing their liberation struggle, their sorrows and also their hopes.

Dean Reed is now alsow preparing a broad programme for the 11th World Youth Festival. His songs will support the world-wide campaign for peace. During the 11th Festival, his film "El Cantor", dedicated to the memory of the Chilean folk singer Victor Jara, will be screened in Havana.

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