

Teen-Age Dreams Vol. 5

CD-Cover CD-Cover

Deep Records/Teenie Weenie Records/2001?

  1. Clark Richard - Blue Teardrops
  2. Ronnie Lee - Teach Me Tiger
  3. Dale Ward - Crying For Laura
  4. Bill Giant - Better Let Her Go
  5. Ricky Shaw - A Fool's Memory
  6. Eddie De Rae - Ridin' On A Rainbow
  7. Linda Powers - Tum-Ba-Lov
  8. Jim Cava - Humpty Dumpty Heart
  9. Billy Stewart - This Is A Fine Time
  10. Herb & Jerry - Suzanne
  11. Jimmy Jay - Fairytales Don't Ever Come True
  12. Rix Slaughter - Listen Little Girl
  13. Joe Tedora - Why Does My Baby Cry
  14. Ray Whitley - Deeper In Love
  15. Rose Du Bats - Signals From Saturn
  16. Stan Robinson - My Heart Beats
  17. Kris Jensen - Busy Signal
  18. The Spark Plugs - My Sheila
  19. Dick Glasser - Leave Me Alone (And Let Me Cry)
  20. Frank Fleming - All By Myself Alone
  21. Vinnie Monte - Hey, Look At The Winter Snow
  22. Dean Reed - Once Again
  23. Joe Bellomo - Gift Of The Gods
  24. John Fred & The Playboys - Mirror, Mirror, (On The Wall)
  25. The Untouchables - Poor Boy Needs A Preacher
  26. Ray Artis - Wella Wella
  27. Alicia Adams - The Ballad Of Ronnie
  28. Roger Douglas - But Suddenly
  29. The Impacs - Two Strangers
  30. Bob Conrad - Bye Bye Baby
  31. Jordan Christopher - Broken Hearted Boy
  32. Larry Moon - Tia Juana Ball
CD-Back-Cover CD-Back-Cover CD-Booklet

22. Dean Reed - Once Again

Reed started to record for CAPITOL and had three releases in 1959. "Annabelle" b/w "The Search" (#4121) was his first, followed by "I Kissed A Queen" b/w "Pair Of Scissors" (#4198) and "I Ain't Got You" b/w "Our Summer Romance" (#4273) In 1960 he had two more records on CAPITOL with #4384 "No Wonder" b/w "Don't Let Her Go" and #4438 "Hummingbird" b/w "Pistolero". "Female Hercules" was his last record on CAPITOL 4608 in 1961 that was followed by "Once Again" on IMPERIAL as his final release - also in 1961.

Dean Reed was born September 22, 1938, in Denver Colorado. He went to Hollywood where he signed a record contract with Capitol Records in 1958, but his third single, "Our Summer Romance" was so popular in South America he went to tour there. More popular than Elvis Presley, he stayed to enjoy his incredible fame in Chile, Peru, and Argentina. He made albums, starred in movies and had his own television show in Buenos Aires.

He was known as Mr. Simpatia because he worked for free in barrios and prisons and protested US policy, nuclear bomb tests etc. His politics moved to the left but he never joined the Communist party. He was deported from Argentina in 1966 and ended up in Rome, where he made "spaghetti westerns" for several years.

He made his first concert tour of the Soviet Union in 1966 and became a mega star there and in Eastern Europe. He continually got into trouble with US State Department for protesting Vietnam War and attending International Peace Conferences. He moved to East Germany (GDR) in 1973, made numerous albums, starred in several films, and wrote and directed his own.

In June 1986 his body was found in a lake outside his home in Berlin. It is not known whether it was murder or suicide. For more info see www.deanreed.de, a website that we only can recommend!

Your comment - Kommentare zur CD - macht mit!

Ich bin - mehr oder weniger zufällig - auf einen CD-Sampler gestoßen, der ein Lied aus Deans erster Schaffensphase enthält, nämlich ONCE AGAIN aus dem Jahr 1961. Im Booklet ist auch eine recht ausführliche Info enthalten, mit Verweis auf die Website.

Die übrigen Titel sind nicht übermäßig interessant, außer Dean tauchen nur Dale Ward, Billy Stewart, Stan Robinson, Kris Jensen und John Fred überhaupt im US-Hit Guide (der Top 100) auf. Erstaunlich unter den Titeln ist allenfalls der auf Nr. 20. (Frank Fleming, geb. in Berlin 1939, Sohn des Jazzpianisten gleichen Namens, ein Mann der meines Wissens niemals in den USA war, sondern zeit seines Lebens nach der Auswanderung in der Schweiz lebte.)

Reimo Wittek, 17. März 2006

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Letzte Änderung: 2006-03-19